

Dissecting the brain "black box"

The brain is probably the most complex biological object we know of, capable of incredible feats and yet highly vulnerable, especially during development and aging. To understand how it works, how it mediates behavior and what happens during neurological or neuropsychiatric disorders, we need to merge different scientific approaches at different scales – from molecules to cells and neural circuits.

Humanitas’ neuroscientists study the mechanisms orchestrating brain development and how their disruption during gestation or aging may give rise to neurodevelopmental disorders – such as Autism or ADHD – and to neurodegenerative diseases, with a special focus on the processes involved in synapses’ formation and their crosstalk with the immune system.

List of groups

Lodato Group
Lodato Group

Developmental Neurobiology Lab

Matteoli Group
Matteoli Group

Pharmacology and Brain Pathology Lab

Rusconi Group
Rusconi Group

Applied Physics Biophysics & Microfluidics Lab

Fossati Group
Fossati Group

Cell Biology of the Synapse Lab