Luana Greco


Luana Greco

Staff scientist

She graduated in Medical and Diagnostic Biotechnologies in 2010 and, in the same year, she obtained qualification as professional biologist at University of Florence. In 2012, she earned a II Level Master Degree in “Forensic Genetic” at University of Tor Vergata in Rome, and in 2024 a II Level Master Degree in “Genomic Data Science” at University of Pavia. Since 2023 she has been attending the School of Specialization in “Medical Genetics” at University of Varese.

Her experience in translational research moved from the molecular diagnosis of hematological malignancies (2007, Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Sperimental Oncology in Vito Fazzi Hospital, in Lecce). Successively, she worked on prostate, lung, colorectal (2010-2014, Institute for Cancer Research, Prevention and Oncological Network – ISPRO – in Florence) and breast cancer (2015-2016, Division of Cancer Prevention & Genetics, European Institute of Oncology IRCCS – in Milan), with focus on their early detection, diagnosis and screening.

Since 2016, she is working on the development of an innovative test exploiting the levels in blood (“liquid biopsy”) of biomarkers of Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) for the diagnosis of colorectal (CRC) and pancreatic (PC) cancer.